Saturday, September 15, 2007

#2 Pet Peeve

Some people don't know when to shut up. You know those type...the ones who go on and on and on. They definitely do not know how to carry on a conversation.

Information is nice as well as long interesting stories. But stories that lead into more stories and information that never ends are boring. These people barely pause or take a breath. I do wonder how some even breathe because they can go on at length and never seem to run out of air. They never seem to let people respond and go on for so long, that if a point was being made or information was asked to be imparted, it was long forgotten what it was in the first place.

I myself have been accused of leaving people hanging. Personally I would rather people ask me to elaborate more on a topic rather than bore them to death. I do not intentionally....well... not often anyway except when I am playing with someone, leave people hanging.

And this often leads into a companion pet peeve...people who do not stay on topic. Their conversation runs all over the place and make you wonder what they were talking about in the first place. Some are what I liken to a Stephen King novel. They take 500 words to say what can be said in oh say, very efficiently, about 75. And yes...I think King is too wordy.

I will admit to a bad habit I have that stems mostly from being in a conversation with these types of people....that of interrupting. Yes..I have let myself do it with others that don't deserve it. I am the impatient sort anyway and when I have something to say, I don't want to have to wait to add my two cents worth. I just bust in with it. Nasty habit which I am working on.

Enough muttering Twinsy?

1 comment:

Sandi said...

Yep,, I have a problem with expounders who tell a story and tell me what color the car was and what the people were wearing to let me know there was an accident!! I like people who get to the point, unless of course there is some juicey tidbit that is interesting to me. But then to the defense of the teller, maybe that is interesting to them. When people do that to me, I just kinda shut down and end up not hearing anything they are saying.

I must say I dont like when people talk over me or butt in when I am talking, as I dont consider myself an expounder, at least I dont think so.

I guess we have to all work at our short comings and hope to overcome them
