Wednesday, April 07, 2010

In Harmony

This morning I got an email with a link to a huge barbershop quartet.

But while there I got caught up in the links they put in the side that are related and while watching watching this one....

I watched very transfixed on the faces. I never realized there were so many ways to move a mouth when singing. I am no a music person and can't carry a note to save my live and therefore have not been exposed to many choir concerts.

I have been always amazed though by Barbershop quartets and anyone singing acappella. I wanted to spell it occupella...silly me. Even spell check won't spell it right.

But geez...while trying to spell acappella, I found that it really should be a cappella....being two words. ahhh..confusing to me too. But here is a better explanation that I can do.

Now you can see why I get lost on the thing..a simple thing like reading an email, leads me all over.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

Love babershop... Jim and I try to take in the local coming together of alot of them in the area. But we didnt this year. We had other things going, and last year we had tickets and the Michigan State was in the b ball tournament here and that trumped everything else!!!!