Friday, October 07, 2011

Geography lesson

I feel like such a dunce. While in a recent drama "theory" class, the teacher was reviewing the history of drama and it's beginnings. And she was talking about different countries and their styles of drama. She talked of African drama and I immediately thought of Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Nigeria and the Congo. And then I asked about Egyptian drama and I was looked at funny and was told it was African drama. mind never connects Egypt with being African. The teacher laughed and said that not everything African is Congo-like. I guess Egyptian things are bigger than life to me...and oh so interesting that I just don't lump it in with being African. I actually had to pull up  a map to see where it was. I guess I need to review geography a bit more huh? Not my best subject in school anyway. I just figured out the whole Great Britain /UK thing, thanks to a great interesting article on the web. But don't ask me to explain it.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

I do not like geography either. I am just plain stupid when it comes to it. I know North America,, but thats pretty much where it ends. I do know that Egypt is part of Africa, but I only learned that after I was an adult. I always thought it was part of the midde east and it is and I guess the middle east much be part of Africa too. So I am with you in putting foot in mouth about where things are!!!