Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Photo albums

Geezzz...I have been spending tons of time with my brother's photo albums. Some are very interesting though as they are from my parents early days.

I am finding lost love in my heart for my grandparents and aunts and uncles long gone, past vacations in my youth and realizing that although I had strict parents...there were some good times.

I was feeling very overwhelmed because I had to clean out his entire apartment in only two weeks. With the funeral arrangements...lots of days was eaten up. having no basement...space is not easy to find for all the things I still have to sort thru. I do hope to get my car back in the garage by the end of Sept though.

Soon I will post some old pics.

Thanks to Sandi for continuing to be my faithful reader.

Even if this is mostly about my yard..lol.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Picture dilemma

By now most know that I lost my brother the end of July.

Being his only living relative I inherited all his"stuff".

Most is just that...stuff ....but much is junk.

He was a picture taker before the age of computers and mostly even when he had them on his computer.

My dilemma?

I feel sorta guilty throwing away pictures of people I don't know. I gave back to his ex-wife pictures of their life together..albums and albums full.

I am left with all his other pictures of friends and vacations since then.

The other problem is now that I am the last of the line...I have tons of very old family pics from my parents and have NO idea who they are. George and I always intended to go thru them and try to figure them out by combing heads but never got around to it. Too late now huh?

Anyone else have the problem of throwing out pictures and feeling guilty?

Also the same feelings with tons and tons of cards he kept.

YIKES!!!!! tough.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Peppers in a pot

Easy to grow peppers in a pot.

Great size huh?

Front bed update

The front is filling out nicely. 
The castor beans have filled in for this year until the other plantings get bigger. 
The tallest is about 7 ft.

Snake gourds

Click to see full size. I am not sure they are finished growing yet either. They have to stay on the vine until late fall to mature and then dry over the winter. I tried to take a pic with my hand to show the size...huge. I will eventually woodburn them. or something.

Last pic of brother


On July 29, 2010 I lost my brother. On July 18, he finally got his boat back in the water. He had not been physically able to for several years. He was so happy the last few months of his life. Sadly he ignored health warnings and his heart gave out. I will miss him a lot. Although he was older, I felt like his older sister and took care of him. I was glad that he agreed to move closer to me in the last few years.

Bye bye George.