Sunday, June 12, 2011

The secret garden

There was an eye sore in my back yard. I tried  many different things and it always looked a mess. Finally last year I dug out everything and left it bald. Needless to say..weeds soon took over again. I didn't take many pics of it either. Here is one from 2009 and a bald one from 2010. In the first one you have to really look to see it cuz I hated that area.

But is finally looking pretty good.  Now I am proud to take pics of this hidden area. A secluded corner easily forgotten for many years. I used to also have brambling, roaming, blackberry vines there too. Then I thought a nice mix of ground covers. Naw...always looked like a jungle. And now? Ahhh...a place to relax in.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

Very nice, you work so hard on your yard and it shows. Good work