Friday, May 28, 2010

And there is nothing wrong with him?

I just read this article about this guy who says he is all ok but just wanted to walk. Quit a very good secure job and planned to just walk.

Adventurer leaves NY career

I have been reading about this type of thing for several years now. People just up and going for a long walk. Some with a goal and some to protest something. But more and more..some just to do it.

Sorry...I don't buy that a normal, rational person would just up and give up their whole life to do that.

Maybe we live a too fast paced life to be able to cope and some just have to slow down in their own way. Seems like an ideal depend on the kindness of strangers like they have to.

Do you think this will become a life style others will choose? Or is this one already. After all...we do have the homeless and more and more all the time.

A couple years ago I personally worked at a church that was part of a rotating homeless shelter and I was shocked on the people that came. Most had jobs and several had kids. One family had a child and both parents worked. I wondered why they were at a shelter and they said they paid for child care and had nothing left over to pay for a home. I also wondered why those with jobs did not ban together and get an apartment. Many even had the audacity to complain about the food, the accommodations and the things donated for their not being enough shower/shaving supplies. HA...they expected these things.

I though they had a lot considering it was free to them. They were provided a supper each night cooked and donated by a church member. A clean pallet and pillow to sleep on, taken to a local school to shower and their clothes washed for them by volunteers and returned in the morning. Then breakfast and a packed lunch. To be repeated every night for a week and then a different church took up the tasks.

I talked with many of the people to hear their story and was wondering WHY they chose this life but then it dawned on me. They had all the basic life's comforts for free hassles with bills. Some even complained when the free bus tickets someone donated ran out. I thought...gosh..what gaul!

I know some people do fall on hard time and need help, but the hard part for me is why people choose this way of life.

Anyway...this story reminded me of that experience and I came to the conclusion that some  are getting lazier and expecting more than their fair share without contributing. And this guy walking is just a new breed of dong just that....taking NO responsiblity and wanting a care free life.

Geezzz..go live in the jungle and stop sponging.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

Yes there are many homeless that choose to be that way..I sure dont get it!!!