Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Carving Club Picnic 2007

Ron and Rita Morin

Every year we have a potluck picnic. This year we gave out a special recognition award to Ron Morin. He had done so much for the club and makes the most fantastic knives. Not only does nearly everyone have one..they have more than one.
Here he is with his wife Rita. He was surprised, shocked and happy with the presentation which included an award certificate, a special card signed by everyone with not only their name but a small paragraph of what he means to them, a $50 gift certificate to his favorite restaurant and lifetime club membership. He was speachless after which is not normal for him as he is generally a very chatty fellow. He did accept gracefully once he found his voice though.

Olga and Nick being funny

Nick and Olga being well...Nick and Olga

Jan and Charlie, my friends and neighbors

I would of posted more pictures but not sure if others would want them on the web. Heck, not sure if these people do but they didn't have a choice. LOL.
SHHH..don't tell them.
But pretty sure they will be ok with it.

It does make me wonder how many kids will feel with their parents posting so much as they grow up. I have seen ads aimed at teens warning them of the dangers of posting too much. I will err on the side of caution with this blog.


Sandi said...

Neat pics.... Great looking freinds. I know that this club has meant so much to you. I hope that you have many many many more years enjoying those freinds and making new ones. What is that old scout saying,
"Make new friends, keep the old,
One is silver and the other is gold"

I enojoy by Red Hat club, but I am thinking of giving it up until I retire. So much of what they do is during the day when I work.

As for sharing pics on the web... as long as they are not ones that someone could use for blackmail, I dont see the problem in it. But, I know that some people do not want thier pics even sent via email. I dont know why. More then likely fear from horror stories they have heard on the news. Sad to say that today one never knows what people will use so I suppose all skepticism isnt all bad.

Thanks for the post

Anonymous said...

You write very well.