Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Where but I should ask why

I was watching my favorite show again last night..a new episode too.."House" and once again I heard an expression I am beginning to hate. It is way overused and sounds idiotic.

It is "my bad" and used when someone does something wrong. Not long ago I heard it  as "me bad" but now it has evolved again into "my bad" and it is beginning to irritate me to no end.

Oh..and finally a graphic that stayed small. I guess I will try playing with resizing tiny...this one is pretty small pixel wise. Still bigger than I wanted which would be about 1/4 the size it is.

How do these expressions get started and why? Just to be different and annoy adults?


Sandi said...

I have no idea where sayings come from. I imagine someone said, another thought it neat and then another heard it and so on and down the line it goes. Know what I hate? I hate that commercial where the guy has this huge wooden thing stuck in his chest at the hospital waiting room and the guy next to him has a sliver or something, I dont even know and he is eating some meat snack, and so because he is eating that, he should and is entitled to medical attention first. I refuse to watch it. I either change channels, close my eyes and hum or leave the room

Pat said...

I don't think I have seen that commercial. Doesn't sound right somehow.